University of Arizona - Web Master Certification

photoshop  level 1 certificationflash certification
html level 1 certificationhtml level 2 certificate
project management certificateHtml 3 (Effective Web Design) Certificate
html 4 - cascading style sheets certificateHTML 5 (advanced markup)
Intro to Computer Programming - certificateCold Fusion Level 1 - certificate
Java Script - Level 1 - certificateASP Level 1 - certificate
Java Script Level 2 - certificateProgramming with CGI-Perl - certificate
Adobe Photoshop 6.0 level 2 - certificateAdobe Photoshop for Web Graphics - certificate
Apache Web Server - certificateActive Server Pages level 2 - certificate
Fireworks - certificateDreamweaver - certificate
Pagemaker 6.5 - certificateIntro to XML - certificate
E-Commerce  Development- certificatePageMaker 6.5 - Level 2 - certificate
MS Publisher 2000 - certificateCold Fusion - Level 2 - certificate
Placing Websites on IIS Servers - certificatePHP - certificate